Jenny Pope's Carved Out Place!

Sep 12, 2012

Insatiable Winged Lions---Kings of Coral

From the beginning...

This massive (34x48") lionfish woodcut was started in Venice, Italy and finished in Ithaca, NY. The title is, "Insatiable Winged Lions---Kings of Coral" The latin name for lionfish is Pterois volitans which means "winged fin" so it totally fits the Venetian reference. I had no idea when I went to Venice to make a lionfish woodcut that it would actually make sense.

These fish are wreaking havoc on reefs and small fish populations from the Caribbean to as far north as Massachusetts. A few amazing statistics about the fishes appetites, their stomachs can stretch 30x in size and one large lionfish was recorded eating 20 small fishes in a 30 minute period. Our best hope for population control now seems to be serving lionfish on dinner plates. The only thing with a more insatiable appetite is a human.

Til the end! Lionfish finally finished!


  1. Um...Jenny I love this!
    The mighty way be a horrible cannibal...but it IS beautiful.
    I just got your newsletter...I am so jelous that I can't come up to the Itaca Art Trail. You know, as many times as I went there with my ex to visit his family, I NEVER got there!

    Good Luck! Just wanted to say a quick hello!
    Plus, ever since I met you at Longs Park I've had you in mind for a, I'll send you the info soon....

    Again, amazing piece! Now I'm going to be nosey because I didn't know you had a Blog before :)


    (also, so you mind if I share your art and a link on my blog?

  2. Thanks for the kind comment BEEstung! Sure, feel free to share my art on your blog! That would be great!

    Come to Ithaca Art Trail next year if you can't make it this time. Hopefully, see you round the bend at another festival.
